
Resep Masakan Indonesia Gampang Dipraktekkan - Part 4 (END)

Diposting oleh My Blog on Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

More aboutResep Masakan Indonesia Gampang Dipraktekkan - Part 4 (END)

Resep Membuat Kue Brownies

Diposting oleh My Blog on Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Bahan Adonan Cokelat :
  • 100 g mentega
    100 g cokelat bubuk berkualitas bagus
    200 g gula pasir
    1/2 sdt vanili bubuk
    2 butir telur ayam, kocok
Ayak jadi satu :
  • 75 g tepung terigu
    1/2 sdt baking powder
    1/4 sdt garam
Adonan Keju:
  • 150 g cream cheese/keju krim
    3 sdm mentega, kocok hingga lembut
    3 sdm gula pasir
    2 butir telur ayam
    1/4 sdt vanili bubuk
    4 sdm tepung terigu
Cara membuat:
  • # Siapkan loyang segi empat 20×20x4 cm. Semir margarin dan taburi sedikit tepung terigu.
    # Adonan Cokelat: Campur mentega dan cokelat bubuk.
    # Jerangkan di atas api kecil hingga meleleh. Angkat.
    # Tambahkan gula dan vanili, aduk rata.
    # Tambahkan telur, aduk rata.
    # Masukkan campuran terigu, aduk rata. Sisihkan.
    # Adonan Keju: Kocok cream cheese hingga lembut.
    # Tambahkan mentega, gula, telur dan vanili sambil kocok rata.
    # Tambahkan terigu, aduk rata.
    # Penyelesaian: Taruh 1 sdm penuh adonan cokelat di dasar loyang. Taruh di sisinya 1 sdm adonan keju. Kerjakan berselang-seling hingga adonan habis dan loyang tertutup adonan.
    # Dengan pisau atau garpu buat gerakan zigzag pada adonan hingga terbentuk pola marmer.
    # Panggang dalam oven panas 180 C selam 45 menit hingga kue matang.
    # Angkat, dinginkan. Potong-potong dan sajikan.
More aboutResep Membuat Kue Brownies

Emergency Evacuation

Diposting oleh My Blog on Jumat, 09 September 2011

Insurance cover for emergency evacuation is an option that people often overlook but emergency evacuation can prove to be extremely important if you are living in a remote or underdeveloped country. An emergency evacuation benefit can be very expensive and it is important when you are selecting a plan to decide if this is something that you need.
In certain countries it is highly recommended since the cost for helicopters, ambulances, flights home and in-transit medical care can add up to enormous amounts of money. We would strongly recommend this type of coverage in China , whilst if you are based full time in Singapore or Hong Kong it is probably not absolutely necessary.
Emergency evacuation is necessary in the event that suitable medical treatment is not available locally. In this situation the insured is normally evacuated to the nearest 'acceptable' hospital or, in certain cases, back to their own country. If you are evacuated back to your home country the cover is called 'repatriation'.
It is important to realize that insurance companies will only cover medical evacuation of the insured when it is requested by the treating doctor and agreed upon by the insurer's medical consultants. This means that the patient cannot simply request to be 'evacuated' to a different hospital; it has to be medically necessary.

More aboutEmergency Evacuation

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